Post #22: The Wrap-Up
Some statistics to begin:Memories: ∞
Photos: + 6000
Highest Point: 5500 m
Cost: $ 3981
Days: 127
Cities: 62
KG of Baggage: ~ 45
Countries: 9
Flights: 8
Suits Bought: 4
Treks: 4
Sharks eaten: 2
Sharks seen: 1
Lowest Point: - 18 m
Sleepless Nights: too many
Total: priceless
Well. The trip is unfortunately over. I arrived back home on August 30th and thanks to the time changed ended up repeating the same day twice and going for over 55 hours without sleep. That same day fortune had it that Liz and I managed to convince a lady to rent us a place. So the next morning I was already over there signing the paperwork. Reality didn’t take long to sink in with the move taking place just 3 days after my arrival and school starting anther 3 days thereafter.
Essentially though, the trip was absolutely amazing. I love every moment of it and only upon returning do you start appreciating everything. This is even truer when you start going through all the photos – something that I still haven’t been able to do. Nepal and the mountains, Tibet and the people, China is just China, Laos and its laziness/relaxed atmosphere, Vietnam and the organized chaos, Cambodia with Angkor Wat, Thailand with its mass tourism, Malaysia and its amazing beaches and well Singapore and its shopping. Everything place different. Every place unforgettable. Every place absolutely amazing.
And now… now the stress of applying to dozens of law firm, being rejected by most as unworthy, job interviews, school, work, and a new apartment. Reality doesn’t seem to take a vacation, but it’s not that bad. Things will have to settle down sooner or later and it’s nice to be back home – in ones own bed, eating normal food and not moving to a new city every couple of days.
So that’s it. The end of the blog. I might post a few more photos. For those of you in Vancouver, there will be a slide-show. It will however take some time as currently my laptop has no feasibility of handling 18GB worth of photos. However, hopefully before December I will have it done and ready to present.
For those whom I met while traveling, please send my your home addresses and I will burn the CDs with the photos you were wanting and send them off.
Hope you’re all doing well – whether still traveling or back home. Take care and stay in touch!