Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Part #11: Post Halong and finally ready to leave Hanoi

How about this for a law, Article 108 of the Hoang Viet Laws proclaims:
There are 7 reasons allowing a husband to chase away his wife.
  1. the wife can't give birth to a son
  2. the wife is lustfull
  3. the wife doesn't attend to her husbands parents
  4. the wife is gossipy
  5. the wife commits a robbery
  6. the wife is jealous
  7. the wife has a fatal illness
I'm glad that these are not in existance in our lawschool - since #4 would almost always be broken as well as #6 - plus #7 isn't very supportive.  "Yes I know hunny that you are deathly ill and in a lot of pain - but GET OUT OF MY HOUSE".
Halong Bay was amazing.  We were spoiled with amazing food - no cocoroaches on our boat and to our great luck amazing weather.  The night before I had picked up my mom at the airport at 10pm and we made it back into our hostel just before midnight.  That entire night was the biggest storm that I have had during my entire trip here.  Thunder and lightning non-stop and by morning it was still raining.  Completely devestated and depressed we packed up our stuff and got ready to set out for Halong Bay thinking that we would be rocked to death in our boat holding onto the railings sea-sick throughout the entire trip.  However, by some miracle, the weather cleared up and we had blue skies for most of it.  Can't really wish for much more for $26US for 2 days.  Food and transport were included as well as the entrance tickets into the park and the boat on which we had a really nice double room with private bathroom.  The breakfast was miserable but that's about it.  We got to explore some caves, swim in some kayaks and in the water - where my mom got stung by a jelly fish. 
And now we're back in Hanoi - my final day here!!!! I've had more than enough of this city.  By now I have spent nearly a week in it.  Its fun.  Its chaotic.  It got a street selling fake US $ and another one selling just giftwrapping paper.  If you need glue you go to the glue street.  If you need a blacksmith then he's just round the corner because that's his street.  There is a street for everything here:  shoes, belts, buckles, door handles, bird cages, aluminum, gravestones.  But how much time can you spend in all these streets?   2 days is by all means enough and yet I've somehow managed 7.  More than ready to leave.
So we're off in the evening to Ninh Binh from where we want to see Tam Coc - called the Halong Bay of the rice padies.  Should be nice - we're thinking of renting a motor cycle but neither of us knows how to ride one.  Should be interesting. 
And yeah... it's still really hot.  And when I say it's hot I really mean it.  My mom kept on saying how great it would be to be somewhere warm instead of Vancouver.  Well, now she won't stop complaining how much she's melting away.  So even those who love hot weather - this is simply TOO HOT!!!!  Unbearable if you are not anywhere near a water sorce into which you can jump - and the lake here in center Hanoi - well... I don't think even plankton could survive in there.  Wouldn't even dare to dip my toe into it.  Looks increadibly murky and poisonous - makes Lafarge Lake in Coquitalm seem to be crystal clear.
Take care - and we'll write again.

Kasia & Ewa

Kasia:  Off in Asia - from Nepal to Singapore and Adventure in between!
Blog/Travel Journal:  http://travelingtheworld.blogspot.com/
Photos:  http://nttconsulting.net/kasia/gallery/album01


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